Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hot Trip to AZ

Last week Lyric and I travel to AZ with Conner's family( my in-laws) We left Sunday Aug 7th and came home the following Sunday Aug 14th. It was a fun trip but was also hot, but not as bad as I thought it would be. We swam, fished, went rock hoping in the creek, did puzzles, and went shopping in Sedona. We had a big group of us so it was fun for Lyric to play with all her cousins. So many thing happened that it would be a lot to tell.... so I thought I would share the Pictures and you could get the idea of all the fun we had.

 Cousin Koda and Lyric

 Spider we found outside the house we stayed at


                                                  Lyric playing at the park
 Gavin being silly
 Grandpa Nelson Fishing with Lyric
 Helping Hunter catch a fish
 Gavin and Lyric
 Me and Lyric getting ready to swim
 Lyric and Hunter
 Roman and Desi
 Lyric, Gavin, Koda and Hazel
 Grandma with the Girls
 Diane and Bill
 Roman and Lyric at the Creek
 Bill and Desi

1 comment:

  1. YOU FOUND THAT SPIDER IN THE HOUSE YOU STAYED!? How big was it?? HOLY CRAP! Thats horrible!!
